
Friday 31 August 2012

Well we got some good news.
The insurance has come through on our claim for the camera.
Enough for us to replace it and not cost us anything, so we will be all set to take lots of great photos.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Well things are moving along, one car gone and Memory Maze.
Just waiting on our departure date......

Sunday 5 August 2012

Some of the Datails

I will be working for Discovery Metals Limited at their Boseto Copper and Silver mine.
The mine is at a place called Toteng.
We will be living in Maun, the tourist hub of Botswana. It is the gateway to most of the game parks for the area, including the Okovango Delta.
We are in Maun untill they build a house for us at Toteng.
I will be the shift supervisor in the workshop.
Monday to Friday at first, then week on week off once the mine is up to full production.
Plenty of time to enjoy all the aights and wildlife in the area.
We will be leaving Australia after the 28th September 2012 so the countdown begins.....

The start of our adventure

Well, we have done it!
I have accepted a job in Botswana, Africa.
So now the fun part........
Both houses are on the market.
Cars up for sale
And the first 2 garage sales are over with, did not realise how much stuff we had collected.
On a sour note some less than honest person stole our good digital SLR camera! Had photos of Ebbony's graduation on it, so we are all pretty upset.
We have had our injections.... that was fun.