
Friday 5 October 2012

First safari.... What a day!

Thursday was my first day off so we decided to get into the African way of life and go on safari.
Moremi game reserve is approx. 120km from our place.
We packed an esky, purchased a map and off we went.
The drive there was interesting, lots of goats and donkeys to dodge (that is normal here), when you come up on animals on the road you put your hazzard lights on to warn everyone, works well.
Our first stop was a village called Shorobe, not much here. There is a basket weaving shop where they show you how they prepare the palm leaves for weaving. They do great designs and they are acdually quite sturdy. We brought a small dish for 80 Pula ($11).
The tar road stopped hereso it was into 4x4 at off we went.
It is about 30km to the game reserve entrance. Life is tougher for the locals this far from town, they all had lots of plastic 20 litre drums on the road side awaiting on the water delivery.
Kids are the same everywhere, the little ones playing near the road gave us big smiles and waves.
The first thing we saw was an ostitch on the road, make an emu look small.
Once we arrived at the entrance, did the the required paperwork and got some tips off the ranger we where off........

First stop was the water hole 20km in ... WOW, it was amazing, animals everywhere.
Then we continued the 120km loop.
I think i will let the pictures do the talking!

To see them all in the wild and around you is amazing, you need to experiance to to know.
There had been lions at the water hole about 1hourbefore we got there, but we could not find them.

It was then onto the next stop, The First Bridge.
As we approached it I thought Michelle was going to wet herself, 2 Giraffe, one on the road.

The bridges are not quite to the standards we are used too.... we survived 4 of them on the trip.

Every amount of water you come accross, no matter how small, has Warthogs.
Not the most attractive animals, but they are so strong and just a ball of muscle.

You can also tell when you are getting near water as you start to see Impala.
They are delicate pretty and will stay when you get quite close.

We the went trrough a dry area and saw an ostritch. alot of sand driving and bouncing around, Michelle wants a sports bra for the next trip!

Also found some elephant bones in the dry area.

At the next water hole we spotted a croc, my first one in the wild.
The bird was game!

At the Third Bridge there was a giraffe that was posing for us, think he was checking us out as much as we were him.
There was a group of wilderbeasts onthe other side, their coats are beautiful up close, unlike their heads.

The trip back to the entrance was through an area with not much life at the moment, the wet season puts water there and the animals come back.

What a day, you all have to do this!
Close to our place, amazing animals.
180km of 4x4ing makes you sleep well but worth every bounce and bump.

We will be regulars here!


  1. What an experience!!! Great photos and commentary, thanks. How lucky you are to have this 'nearby'.

    1. Yeah,one of the best days ever.
      More animals next trip.

  2. Looked fantastic Scott We will all have to plan our trips on your days off!!! From Pam (couldn't find another way to comment except to be anonymous! Have to learn more about blogging :(

  3. Yeah, i am an amature at it to.
    We will keep the photos coming.

  4. Hi Scott, it's Johan mosch. Great photo's, Get a book with all the local birds in it, it's fun.
    Glad you're having fun in Africa.

    1. Hi Johan, we are getting a few books with the animals and birds of the area.
      The amount of birds is amazing.
      So glad we came here, as you would know, everyone should do it.
