
Sunday 6 October 2013

Vultures, at Gweta

Vultures are so impressive, their strength is awesome.
They suffer from farmers poisoning animals and then they feed on the carcase.

Domboshaba Ruins, near Francistown

We found this place on a drive from Francistown.
Amazing to see. A must do if you are in the area.
From the 15th century.

The kitchen.

Central Kalahari Game Reserve (or CKGR for short)

Another great place. Very hot, it hit 52 degrees during the afternoon.
The road in was sandy but quite good.
We arrived a bit late in the seson so we did not see as many animals as we could of.
Saw our first honey badger so that was cool.
Got a government camp site for 20 pula/night/person.
The private ones are 150 pula/night/person and they are exactly the same.

Honey Badger

Could not get any better shots of it before it ran off.

Mum and chicks

Ground Squirel

One of the few wild flowers

Friendly beetles

Mum and baby, very different when they are young

Michelle's favourite bird

Another great sunset. with a beer and bourbon of course!

Tuesday 4 June 2013


From Kasane we went to Savuti, it is an area of the Chobe National Park known for its elephants.

This is where we saw our first lions in the wild, it was a great moment.

The camp sites are huge.
The amenities are surrounded by a big block fence to keep the elephants out. There used to be an issue with elephants putting their trunks into the shower stalls to get water when people where in there. You are not allowed to walk from your campsite to the toilets, you have to drive.

After dinner we where enjoying a couple of drinks around the camp fire, suddenly elephants started walking into our camp site. They just kept coming and in the end there where 17 elephants within 15 feet of us. OMG! They where calm enough to start eating grass, so we relaxed too. What an experience!

Michelle got a bit scared. The marks on the photo is dirt on her window.
This was a close encounter.


Michelle told me these 2 were dancing.


 I think he wants a beer.

Elephant foot print.

The road out.