
Sunday 6 October 2013

Central Kalahari Game Reserve (or CKGR for short)

Another great place. Very hot, it hit 52 degrees during the afternoon.
The road in was sandy but quite good.
We arrived a bit late in the seson so we did not see as many animals as we could of.
Saw our first honey badger so that was cool.
Got a government camp site for 20 pula/night/person.
The private ones are 150 pula/night/person and they are exactly the same.

Honey Badger

Could not get any better shots of it before it ran off.

Mum and chicks

Ground Squirel

One of the few wild flowers

Friendly beetles

Mum and baby, very different when they are young

Michelle's favourite bird

Another great sunset. with a beer and bourbon of course!


  1. Bit different to the Fijian sunsets! Pam

  2. Yeah, but any sunset is great. We miss the ocean!

  3. You have still done well with the animals you saw...looks like I have to go there....wanna see the secretary bird!!!! so unique. Not too keen on the temperatures at this time of year, how cool was it overnight? The flower looks very similar to some of our native hibiscus in the flower and the leaves.
