
Tuesday 4 June 2013

Little Vumbra

Our Christmas present to each other was a trip to Little Vumbra.
This is a fly in camp, no children allowed, all inclusive.
The flights where awesome over the Okovango Delta.
Our "tent" was huge.
You get picked up from your room at 5.30am to get ready for your first game drive of the day.

The drives where great, we saw a pride of lions on the first day and then our first leopard. She was a young one just venturing out on her own.
On the second day we found her mother and followed her for quite a while as she stalked some impala. A go away bird gave her away so she missed out on a feed.

We then found a second pride of lions that had just returned from a kill, they sat around with bloated stomachs looking content.

On the drive we also saw our first red lechwe (a water antelope).

These fly in camps are expensive, but worth the money for the animals you see. They can drive off the tracks to find the cats, so you get real close to the action.
Everyone needs to do at least one of these.

Hyena and pups

This lion was a bit full after its morning feed.
Then had the "pleasure" of a lions fart at close range, now that is a BAD smell!

Not sure you could get away with this in Australia!

Using the creek as a road

Now that is close!!!!!
As long as you keep all your body parts in the car they will not bother you.
Bit freaky the first time.

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