
Wednesday 2 January 2013

2nd Trip to Moremi

We decided to go to Moremi for another look after the recent rains.
It made for an interesting day, the change in the grass and greenery of the trees was huge.
The down side was the number of puddles we had to go through. During the dry season the 4X4's dig out big holes that fill up with the rains. They do not look much but some of them where deep enough that the water came up to the windscreen, and our front number plate came off somewhere in the 90 or so water crossings we made.
But we saw our first hippo's!!!!!!!
They are HUGE.

Female Kudu

Eagle in flight

Tree full of eagles.
They where everywhere this time

Baby Impala

Baby Giraffes where everywhere.

Another Baby

Mother & Baby

This is a Topi Antelope, we had to look up what is was.
This is not one of the usual places they are found.

Baby Impala

One of the many water crossings.
Michelle had a few "seat grabbing" moments

Male Impala

See if you can spot the animal in this photo.
What is it?

Did you spot it?

You get up close to them.

Young Giraffe's

How many giraffe's in this photo?

They always seem to be checking us out as much as we are them.

Our first Hippo's
Yay, finally!

This was just in front of the car

See the bird landing on the hippo

They are huge, and their calls are so loud.

They run so fast for their size.

Elephant skull and bones.

Another Topi

The car ended up a mess, this shot does not do it justice.
I enjoyed a cold beer while OD (our yard boy, whose name is to hard to pronounce) washed it for us.
Aaahhhh, the perks of Africa.

Well it was another successful day out.
Plus now we have the correct paperwork so we only pay resident rates, so it only costs us 70 Pula to get in. ($8.21)


  1. GreaaT Scottt!!
    That is incredible guys, ur photos are great thank you very much!Tony

  2. Another great set of photos...some of the antelope have beautiful markings on them. You are spoilt indeed having all these animals nearby.

  3. Great update!
    Looks like plenty of animals this time.
    Any Steve Irwin type interactions with them???


  4. Has been different both times there.
    Hippo chased the car which was interesting.....
