
Monday 21 January 2013

Warthogs, So ugly they are cute.

The Warthog......
Yep, they are ugly.
They are very fast, they can get away from a cheetah with how fast they can change directions.

You can see them in all sorts of places.

We had a good close up encounter with these 2, I was out of the car and within 3 metres of them.

All babies love their mum

All these are from only 1km from our house on one of the main roads in town!


  1. Certainly not the cutest animal around!! Those tusks could do some damage if they were in danger. I assume they are herbiverous as they are grazing on the vegetation. They obviously weren't too worried by you, seeing you were able to get that close to them.

  2. They do not seem overly worried about humans, most will run off, these ones are used to humans.
    The ones in Gaborone came into the resaurant area, photos soon......
